Sensory Motor Activities Related to Feeding and Mealtime

Around Mealtime

1.      Develop a “meal prep” routine (We climb up on a stool, wash hands, march to table, pull the chairs out, help with table setting…)
2.      Encourage active play before sitting for mealtime
3.      Play push/ pull games or songs (pushing a weighted shopping cart or doing row-row-your boat)
4.      Place a weighted beanbag on your toddler’s lap
5.      Use weighted utensils or wrist weights to increase awareness of the hands and provide calming input
6.      Have your toddler carry the heavy mayonnaise jar, and a few water bottles to the table

Tactile activities

7.      Provide daily opportunity for playing in tactile bin (filled with beans, balls, rice, water, or sand)
8.      Play with play dough and dig for treasures
9.      Encourage messy play using finger paints, soap crayons, Jell-O, “Goblin Goo”

Vestibular (balance) activities

10.  Swinging and spinning activities
11.  Swimming activities
12.  Create an obstacle course on the way to the meal or around the house
13.  Jumping on a trampoline
14.  Riding a tricycle

Proprioceptive activities

15.  Make a burrito with your toddler between pillows
16.  Pushing and pulling games like tug-of-war
17.  Encourage toddler to wear a heavy backpack around house 20 min. before mealtime
18.  Crashing games (jumping into pile of pillows)
19.  Build a fort with pillows and blankets
20.  Bear hugs
21.  Use a weighted blanket for nighttime

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